Retailers that will close the most stores

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score

1. Best Buy
> Forecast store closings: 200 to 250
> Number of U.S. stores:1,056
> One-year stock performance: -36.8%

2. Sears Holding Corp.
> Forecast store closings: Kmart 175 to 225, Sears 100 to 125
> Number of U.S. stores: 2,118
> One-year stock performance: 8.8%

3. J.C. Penney
> Forecast store closings: 300 to 350
> Number of U.S. stores: 1,100
> One-year stock performance: -53.6%

4. Office Depot
> Forecast store closings: 125 to 150
> Number of U.S. stores: 1,114
> One-year stock performance: 50.7%

5. Barnes & Noble
> Forecast store closings: 190 to 240, per company comments
> Number of U.S. stores: 689
> One-year stock performance: 8.95%

6. Gamestop
> Forecast store closings: 500 to 600
> Number of U.S. stores: 4,471
> One-year stock performance: -2.2%

7. OfficeMax
> Forecast store closings: 150 to 175
> Number of U.S. stores: 872
> One-year stock performance: 80.8%

8. RadioShack
> Forecast store closings: 450 to 550
> Number of U.S. stores: 4,412
> One-year stock performance: -68.1%

no loss there for most of them

best buys sucks

office max and office depot just merged so those closings make sense. there are both stores a block or so apart here in work town.

Sears stores is not shocker either...although is that the mall sears or the tool/appliance only stores?

JC penny has gotten expensive but trashy...and have started looking like sears stores. No longer a department store in my book.

of the list we might go to best buy once or twice a year, barnes and nobles we visit frequently, my younger two actually like to read so I hate to discourage them and they like to go "look"

..I dont know when was the last time I went to a radio shack or sears, I think the sears may stay strong in the rural areas where there is little alternative to buy stuff..

but what this list tells me is that I need to buy some Target stock, they can expand to their stores and pickup some sales by adding some of the niches of radio shack and best buy.?

I'm surprised to see GameStop being so sucky right now. Once systems come out like the PS4 that have the ability to download/stream new titles much like Steam does with the PC, they'll be in a world of hurt on anything other than the used game market, which is their bread and butter as it is.

My town has two K-marts. And there is never anybody at either of them. I don't understand how they keep both stores open.

Gamestop is like the pawnshop of video games...they shoud make money hand over fist on kids selling video games that their rents bought them for birthdays and christmas for 20 cents on the dollar.

Best buy has been going to build a store locally for 4 years, have yet to see it happen. So no loss if they shut down a few of the stores. Closest store is in Anchorage right now, not worth a special trip.

Sears - HA! Corporate doesn't recognize our local store as even existing! I stopped going there a few years ago when they stopped honoring the lifetime tool warranty! No loss.

Our old K-mart building has been sitting idle for the past 10 years. From what I gather, it was the best money maker in the state, but when the Anchorage stores tanked; they pulled completely outta the state.

Rat-shack has been going downhill for years. We had two, both on College Road (one on each side of town); and they just closed the one closest to my office due to budget cuts. Both were franchised by the same guy & he just wants to sell TV's and high end AV stuff. To get any electronics components, we have to special order them, so it's cheaper to order from Digi-Key. Again, no loss with their demise.

We have an office max, but it's not the best. Usually have to special order things that are in the advertisement, or they'll only have 3 of an item on hand; which sells out in 5 minutes. I avoid it for the most part.

Game stop seems to be doing well; but I've never visited it!

All of the other places listed either exist in Anchorage or not at all up here. To me, I don't visit them even when I'm down there, so it's not a loss to me if they tank!

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I like to go "farming" for games at Gamestop. Pick up a game for $20 to see if I like it, and if I don't, then I can return it for a full refund within a week or so. The guys who work there typically have a good handle on which are games worth owning versus those worth "borrowing" for the weekend.

GameStop has been building stores and acquiring competitors so fast, that they are like Starbucks around here. There are at least 2 shopping centers with 10 minutes of my house that have 2 GameStops in the same complex (literally < 1 mile apart).

I've bought some games there but I have never been offerered anything near fair for the games we've sold, you'll always do way better on eBay..

They are always kind of overly pushy the ones in our area

GameStop has a terrible reputation amongst hardcore gamers. For instance, their pre-order system is completely broken. They basically use that system to determine how many copies of a game to buy, but putting down a deposit and placing a pre-order doesn't necessarily guarantee you will the game on launch day (pretty much the only reason to pre-order a game).

JC Penney is awesome for men's clothes since they went through there renovation. Hopefully they make it through.

The only bad thing about losing JC Penney is the Stafford line. They make awesome dress shirts and suits. I have started buying Calvin Klein in the past few years, but I still love my older Stafford suits. Glad I don't have to wear a suit very often, but occassionally it's nice.

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Kmart was my first real job when I was 16( I had my own lawn mowing/snow shoveling service from when I was about 11-18, poor hard working kid from the wrong side of the trailer park), stayed there until i left for the Air Force and worked there for about a year between when i got out of the Air Force and started engineering school...
