registry virus

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gray haired dude
Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
Front Range
the home pc has been infected, I'm pretty sure from an email a friend sent with an innocent looking link attached.

annoying endless popups with a phony spyware warning. I found a link that I am going to try later to clean it up: 411 spyware

I'm a little intimidated by the whole process, and for all the crap I've looked at this is the first time I've caught something!

It can be frustrating, but I've gotten rid of some doozies in the past. Usually took a few specialty tools, some time in safe mode, and a lot of profanity.

might even be a easy as a windows system restore to the day before you clicked the link.... followed by virus scans our the wazoo clearing of all cache (and maybe cookies too)....

worse comes to worse, you could do a recovery install with windows and most if not all data should be there

SpyBot search and destory. freeware and works pretty good.

Adaware is decent too.

I second the system restore method. My wife picked up 3 viruses last month, and avg would not even detect them, but the constant transmissions from my computer gave them away. I did a system restore to a point about a month previous, just to be sure, and upon re-boot the trojan horse viruses were picked up by the previoius version of avg-I guess the trojans somehow defeated avg once inside.

I wouldn't do the entire restore, you lose alot of good old saved pron doing that.

Go to and get the free download, and follow the directions. that "virusscan" malware has been around for a while, they keep changing names on it. I've pulled it off quite a few PCs, but you can get it. It'll make ya cuss though
