Red Robin ad under fire for dissing vegetarians

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Some folks must spend a lot of time looking for things to offend them.

A new ad from burger chain Red Robin meant to bring vegetarians through the door, but managed to offend them instead.

Rather than touting a veggie-friendly menu by highlighting the recently introduced garden burger, it dismissed the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle.

"We even have a garden burger," the spokeswoman said, "in case your teenage daughter is going through a phase."

While many people expressed their dismay on the burger chain's Facebook page, calling the ad "insensitive" and "spit on the faces of every vegetarian."
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It's red meat for the professionally offended.

Personally, I think it's funny as hell but that's just because I have a buddy with a teenage girl that recently went through such a phase. I think she's over it and has returned to consuming dead bovine and other tasty critters.

I also find it funny because I have a 20-something co-worker who is also going through said phase.

<---- former teenage girl who went through phase

although, it wasn't because of any feel good reason...I was reading a really good, but horribly graphic, zombie anthology and could not eat meat without feeling a little sick.

my cousin's wife was a huge vegitarian almost to the vegan point...then she had an accident with a tile saw that cut off part of her finger and she started craving eating meat since then...crazy weird but it made life easier in theior house since my cousin is a red meat eater.

Normally, the type of people that are vegetarians for some cause are exactly the type of people who get offended over nothing.

I went through a teenage vegetarian phase. I was being "rebellious." My parents were lucky that my rebellion was vegetarianism and not alcohol or teenage pregnancy.

19 year old sister is going thru this phase. Decided to become a vegetarian last summer. How long exactly does a phase last?

19 year old sister is going thru this phase. Decided to become a vegetarian last summer. How long exactly does a phase last?

Until she gets self confident enough to not obsess about weight gain so much. That's been my observation.

Cool, I've got to send this to my veggie buddy. . . we ate at a Red Robin a couple weeks ago so he could have his garden burger. Now I get to call him a teenage girl going through a phase!

...many people expressed their dismay on the burger chain's Facebook page, calling the ad "insensitive" and "spit on the faces of every vegetarian"
