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Feb 10, 2020
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Hello everyone!Ā šŸ˜Š

as an engineer, what are the 2 biggest issues you're dealing with?

in terms of career, what's your biggest wish?Ā 



Biggest Wish - my 401k to double in the next 5 years and then not work FT anymore...

1) People and work culture

2) Getting to the point, financially, where I can be "ok" with a lesser (responsibility wise) job.

  1. Becoming pigeonholed, because nobody else can do my job.
  2. Having to wait for advancements, because I'm "young." Nobody gets the Sr. Engineer title unless they've been with the company 15+ years. AndĀ yet, I'm maxed out in my currentĀ position, and only been here ~6 months.
I wish I could one day be my own boss.

Hi @IoanaP. Welcome to EB.Ā 

A little background might get your more relevant answers. Is this just for curiosity and discussion? Are you doing interviews or some kind of project? Are you trying to make career decisions? Or maybe you want everyone's unfiltered first thought; nothing wrong with that. Just trying to get you the most relevant answers.

Here's my top-of-mind response:

Biggest issue 1: Making the transition to independent self-management.
Specifically I'm trying to transition from a mentality of working on what I'm assigned... to a mentality of finding my own work in our organization, prioritizing what needs to be done, and getting it done without requiring input from my supervisor. That's what it will take for me to reach the next level in my career.

Biggest issue 2: Increasing my profile inside of and outside of my company.Ā 
I'm already a considered technical expert in my specialty, but I want to continue to improve my technical skills. More importantly, I'm working on improving my leadership and presentation skill and make make more presentations. Gotta put myself out there to get noticed.

Biggest wish: I don't know. I'm pretty happy with the way everything is going. I have no major complaints. I'll guess I'll say the old generic wish for more money.
Oooo. Here's a better answer. I wish I knew coding. I can pick through a little and edit someone's code, but I'm not strong enough in it to really write my own code. That's something that I'm working on.

I'm with RG.

Budget & Schedule.

Except my biggest wish is to win the lottery jackpot so I don't have to work ever again.
