Permitted reference material

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Mar 7, 2013
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The Tennessee board references the NCEES for permitted reference material. All NCEES says is that it must be bound. With this in mind are sample exams from NCEES or others allowed as well as the study guides and sample questions from PPI or others?

Generally..... yes. Since the Tennessee State Board follows NCEES criteria and doesn't have any specific regulations regarding materials, you are good to bring any bound materials in that you please. There are some state boards that do prohibit certain materials, which examinees need to verify. Ultimately, NCEES is aware of all published study aids, so take what you want. Remember, the exam is not testing you on how well you can regurgitate a solution procedure from an example problem. They are testing your professional competency. You're not going to have time to rummage though all those practice problems to find a similar one. But, if you get stuck on a problem, those study aids may just spark the piece your missing. Good Luck.

At least one state, Illinois, I think, does not allow sample tests. Check your state laws. If Tennessee follows NCEES (most do), then any bound book or 3-ring binder seems to work fine. Just make sure that there's no pencil marks anywhere. See other threads for info on that.
