Percentage of children in the US hits record low

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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WASHINGTON — Children now make up less of America's population than ever before, even with a boost from immigrant families.
And when this generation grows up, it will become a shrinking work force that will have to support the nation's expanding elderly population - even as the government strains to cut spending for health care, pensions and much else.

The latest 2010 census data show that children of immigrants make up one in four people under 18, and are now the fastest-growing segment of the nation's youth, an indication that both legal and illegal immigrants as well as minority births are lifting the nation's population.

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Interesting article. There are some pretty serious ramifications down the road.

To me that is another sign that a democracy can never last forever. When the children of the entitlement crowd grow in to being the majority, the country will cease to exist. We may actually be within 50 to 100 years of the end of a free US.

To me that is another sign that a democracy can never last forever. When the children of the entitlement crowd grow in to being the majority, the country will cease to exist. We may actually be within 50 to 100 years of the end of a free US.
I agree. It would be nice to look forward to this country's future, but we are bankrupt - economically and morally. One could could argue the latter caused the former.

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I have to say, that statement shocks the hell out of me. 2 kids seemed to be a thing of the past. Even kids are popping kids out like novelty items these days, so I am genuinely surprised.

In some aspects, I feel really sorry for mini-MS and any future mini-MS's. They'll be screwed over by society.

In some aspects, I feel really sorry for mini-MS and any future mini-MS's. They'll be screwed over by society.

Hell, most of us on this board are young enough to be screwed as it is. I don't anticipate ever seeing a social security check, or retirement.

I don't expect to see SS and I'm 45. Couple that with a certainty that the gov will find a way to seize my 401(k), and I'm not feeling really rosy about retirement. In fact, I'm pretty sure the days of retirement (basically post WWII to present) will be shown to be an abberation in history. Gonna have to work to the grave, just like we used to.

^ I like what I'm doing, but I like being on the boat at the beach's going to really tick me off if that isn't in my near future! OK...maybe not as "near" as I would like it.
