PE Sample Questions & Answers

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i'm looking to use this new thread just for some good example questions that you think will be helpful on the pe mechanical exam for both am and hvac depth-pm. i have references full of example problems, but the more, the merrier...or something like that! shoot me questions that you think would be helpful for my preparation. thanks!

NCEES Sample Exam #117- I'm not understanding where this equation came from:

M = Wx/2(l-x)

Can someone help explain this to me?

that looks to me like the bending moment at a given location of a beam under distributed load. Check out your beam tables in MERM or Machinery Handbook or any Strength of Materials book.


Looking at question #75 and #76 out of the mech PE sample exam by M. Lindeburg. The solution says you can find the equation for sound pressure level out of ASHRAE. I cannot find this equation they are referencing. Any ideas??

Then for #76...I have no idea where they got that equation either. Help!

NCEES Mechanical #506 and #507. Can anyone lead me to where to get those formula used in these problems?

i'm looking for a reference where i can get a table of properties for R-123. the one in the trane manual only goes to 150F degrees.

NCEES Mechanical #506 and #507. Can anyone lead me to where to get those formula used in these problems?

It seems I am not the only person who has asked about #507. I thought it was difficult. I would be interested if there is anyone who was able to get the right answer without looking at the solution.
