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Jun 13, 2008
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Unfortunately I failed the PE exam...again (4th time). I am terrible at tests, much less 8 hour exams. My state now requires that I take an addition 12 credit hours of upper level courses before I can apply for the exam again. That will cost some $$$. Does anyone know if you can apply to take the exam in another state if you've failed in your own state? Thanks for your help. Just trying to sort out all of my options.

Unfortunately I failed the PE exam...again (4th time). I am terrible at tests, much less 8 hour exams. My state now requires that I take an addition 12 credit hours of upper level courses before I can apply for the exam again. That will cost some $$$. Does anyone know if you can apply to take the exam in another state if you've failed in your own state? Thanks for your help. Just trying to sort out all of my options.

I've heard of people doing that but I'm not sure which states though. It might be cheaper to pay for the review course considering what you may end up paying in gas, motel, and drive time to take the test in another state. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
