PE Environmental Exam

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Nov 10, 2010
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Hello Everybody,

I am looking forward to appear PE exam in April 2011 and would like to know the study materials that are required/recommended for PE in Enviromental. I am looking forward to appear in state of MI. If anyone has books/study materials for sale, please let me know. Also, any recommendation and suggestions are welcome.


I would start with the Lindberg reference manual for the enviro test. Read the first few chapters for more information

I would start with the Lindberg reference manual for the enviro test. Read the first few chapters for more information
My exam enviroment was too cold I was sitting next to the air condition and my hands was freezing the lights was not enough

I passed the Envl PE in 2006...we've got a whole subforum dedicated to that discipline, check it out. FLBuff, DLeg, and I are PEs and happy to answer questions.

You do know the syllabus for the 4/11 exam is changing from past exams, right?


Yes, I do know that the syllabus has changed since Oct '10 exam. I guess it's more of a change in weightage of the topics rather than the topics itself. However, previously, another member suggested me to refer to Lindberg reference manual at the begining. So, I will purchase that ASAP. However, if you have any course material that would be useful and available for purchase, please let me know. Any tips that you can provide w.r.t exam, study materials, and preparation are also appreciated.



I passed the Envl PE in 2006...we've got a whole subforum dedicated to that discipline, check it out. FLBuff, DLeg, and I are PEs and happy to answer questions.
You do know the syllabus for the 4/11 exam is changing from past exams, right?
There are several threads in the Environmental subforum that address good materials to bring. Off the top of my head, I would recommend:

Environmental Reference Manual for the PE Exam by Lindberg

Hazardous Waste Management by LaGrega

Environmenatl Law Handbook (this one goes through the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, RCRA, CERCLA, etc.)

Wastewater Engineering (I can't remember who it's by, my copy is out on loan)

I would also recommend getting as many practice exams as possible, to get yourself back into test taking mode. Good luck!
