P-40 found in the sahara

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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A World War II airplane belonging to Britain's Royal Air Force (RAF) has been found in the Sahara Desert nearly 70 years after it crash landed, Metro reports.

According to Vintage Wings, a Canadian aviation news website, Jakub Perka, who works for an oil company, came across the Kittyhawk P-40 in March when his team was on an expedition in the Egyptian desert.

As the photos below show, the plane is in remarkably good condition, with the cockpit's instrument panel and plane's body nearly unharmed despite almost seven decades in the Sahara.

Just saw this on AvWeb. Pretty interesting story. I'm amazed at the condition of the instrument panel after 70 years.

No sign of the pilot but they figured he survived the crash since they did find a parachute. The version I read speculated that he left the crash site and perished somewhere in the desert.

^According to Wiki, they eventually found remains for all but one crew member. What a crumby way to go. I'd rather perish in the crash.
