Has anyone used [SIZE=11pt]Professional Education Services Company, Ltd. (pescomp.com) before?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Just wondering how legit they are. I got an unsolicited email from them about an ethics course.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]I normally get more than enough opportunity for CEU's/PDH's in a year, but Ohio recently started requiring 2 hrs of Ethics/Rules/Laws per 2-year period and this seems like a cheap and easy way to get them out of the way.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Full email:[/SIZE]
I am writing to let you know of our class on Professional Ethics for Ohio Engineers[/CODE]
in addition to the on-line course that we offer[/CODE]
The Ohio Board has established a mandatory 2 PDH requirement for ethics training per biennium.[/CODE]
The classroom course qualifies for four (4) PDH units and costs $72.00.[/CODE]
[B]Classroom Course[/B][/CODE]
Friday, May 24, 2019 - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM[/CODE]
Independence Civic Center[/CODE]
Willow Room[/CODE]
6363 Selig Drive[/CODE]
Independence, Ohio 44131[/CODE]
starts at 12:30 PM[/CODE]
Here is an outline of the course and topics of discussion:[/CODE]
Private Property and Free Will[/CODE]
Wealth Creation and Productivity[/CODE]
Government and Law[/CODE]
Intellectual Property[/CODE]
Ethical behavior[/CODE]
Ohio’s Law[/CODE]
Go to [URL="http://www.pescomp.com"]www.pescomp.com[/URL] to register for the course[/CODE]
Note that if you are using IE11 then put it in Compatibility Mode to view the site[/CODE]
[B]On-line Course[/B][/CODE]
We also offer a 2 PDH on-line narrated PowerPoint course which can be taken at your convenience[/CODE]
This course costs $12.00.[/CODE]
A test is given for the on-line course. A score of 70% is required to get the certificate.[/CODE]
The test repeats each time the score is less than 70% with some questions different.[/CODE]
The signed certificate is immediately available on-line after successful completion of the test[/CODE]
The PowerPoint program runs within the IE11 browser. IE11 must be in compatibility mode and made the default browser[/CODE]
See [URL="http://www.pescomp.com"]www.pescomp.com[/URL] for instructions on using other browsers and to register.[/CODE]
A PDF copy of the course is available after registering and logging in.[/CODE]
We also offer technical courses and ethics courses for other states [/CODE]
All on-line courses are $6.00 per PDH.[/CODE]
Nick Georgalis, PE MSEE[/CODE]
Professional Education Services Company, Ltd.[/CODE]
6981 Ivandale Road[/CODE]
Independence, Ohio 44131[/CODE]
Phone: [URL="tel:2164015326"]2164015326[/URL][/CODE]
Please feel free to forward this email to your peers who may also be interested.[/CODE]
You are receiving this email because you either subscribed or[/CODE]
your email address was lawfully provided by one or more public authorities with whom you are registered.[/CODE]
Emails are sent about twice annually to announce new courses or special price offers.[/CODE]