On call

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Master slacker

Something awesome.
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Da Bayou
On call this weekend.

Got a call. A very un-fun call.

Had to scarf down my ice cream cone to make a zillion phone calls. F*ck. :shakehead:

Two questions I always ask during an interview:

1) Am I expected to be on call?

2) Do I have to wear a uniform?

Yes to either one warrants a 'Well, I don't think we need to go any further...'

^ nice.

I worked for 3 months as a manufacturing engineer on the production line. Everyone in my group had to take turns being on call for the weekend. I only had to do it once and luckily didn't get called. Basically our job was to make sure production was never held up. If the union workers encountered a problem or had a question, they would call us and our job was to solve it ASAP.

I don't mind being on-call since it's part of any engineering job in any chemical facility. It's just that the bad calls always tend to occur at dark-thirty. And it's only three times per year.

As far as the uniforms go, we must wear long pants and long-sleeve shirts onsite. Not a huge deal as all clothes are supplied by the company and they even do the laundry.

^ you have to wear pants to the site?!
Not just pants, long pants.

