NIU tragedy

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shining like a lighter...
Jan 3, 2007
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Heart out & prayers to the campus, staff, students, & families of Northern Illinois University -

May the sick, psychopathic losers that perpetuate these crimes do the world a favor and just use their implements of killing on themselves only - it sickens me to see the loss of innocent lives to delusional yet empowered freaks & geeks!

Rant freakin' on!

Sorry folks, this wasn't meant to be a private rant - school shootings just really piss me off. Guy walks into a class room @ NIU w/ pump action shotgun, glock 9 mm, and 2 other handguns (one a .38). What chance do unarmed, unsuspecting students have? Amazing more weren't killed yesterday.

Anyways, guess the guy was about as 180 from Cho, the VT shooter.

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I was not too active today here error but followed this tragedy closely.

What a shame. What is happening to us? This is crazy.

I don't think we will ever have answers about this kind of violence. It is tragic and my prayers are with the vicitms. I think my part is to do everything I can to make young adults and teens responsible and accountable and to encourage them to resolve problems without violence.

I see that he appears to have been taking some kind of mental medications, and recently quit taking them......I've seen these medicines in action, and it's scary to see what they do to people. I would imagine that we literally have thousands of people out there that are on the verge of something similar to this every day. I think we need to quit prescribing so many of these pills!

Thought's and prayer's are certainly with the family and friends of the victim's!

I question why someone who is on medication to make them "normal" is allowed to buy weapons. Sure we all have the right to bear arms, but in this day and age someone with a mental instability should not be allowed to by weapons such as a .38 cal. Or at least make them go through a mental evaluation to see if they can be trusted with a weapon.
