I did not take Heiner's review course because it was not offered in So. Cal. this past spring. After checking these boards I did get his workbook and studied off of that. I think it made the difference.
Here is what I used to study:
Seismic Design of Building Structures (SEIS9), 9th Edition by Kurt M. McMullin, PE, Michael R. Lindeburg, PE, 2008
SEISMIC DESIGN REVIEW - WORKBOOK 2006 IBC version Steven T. Hiner www.seismicreview.com
~~~I think this really helped. The first 2 times I failed the exam and did not have this book.
345 Solved Seismic Design Problems (SESP5), 5th Edition by Majid Baradar, PE, 2009
~~~ did some random plroblems here and there to suppliment studying.
2007 CBC Tl 24. Pt 2. vol 2 (I guess you can use the IBC, but I didn't have it, i have the CBC)
ASCE 7-05 (I see people show up w/o this atthe exam... I don't know how they pass w/o the ASCE 7)
I had failed Seismic twice before and I had all the above listed material with the exception of the Heiner SDR workbook which I bought this spring to study for this past exam. Since I had studied off of the Lindburg book twice before i was already familair with it and had tabbed and highlighted it from times before. So this time when I studued i would studyy off of Heiner's book, but Would have lindburg there notign what chapters and pages covered the samer thing and re-reviwed those at the same time. The two books cover only about 70% of the same thing. There is about 30% of each book that covers something the other book doesn't cover therefore I suggest using both references.