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Somebody had a crush on Daaavvvyyy!

I used to love the Monkees. That's what being in a band is all about. Non-stop fun, immaturity, zany situations, crazy chicks, and then you rock it all out with a song.

I just saw them perform last June (sans Mike Nesmith). Very entertaining show. I always liked the Monkees.

"If I could hide 'neath the wings

of the blebird as she sings..."

RIP Davy Jones.

Trivia: David Bowie's real name is David Jones...He ch-ch-ch-changed it so as not to be confused with another british singer named David Jones.

I'm sad that Jones died, but excited about the tributes and retrospectives sure to be on the radio for the rest of the week.

I used to watch their show on Nickelodeon as a kid all the time.

i had "hey hey we're the monkees..." lyrics in my head all day snick was tired of hearing me humming it last night.
