Midwest Storms/Check-in

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Didn't get hit too bad here. It was worse both North and South of the Flyer house. Just a lot of rain and wind.

Brookport, Ill is about 45 min north of me. We got all the same warnings but nothing more than a little wind and rain. A woman my mother in law works with came home after the storm and her house was gone. Not messed up, destroyed or damaged, but gone.

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like flyer everything was north or south of us. BUt we did get some nasty wind and hail. we did have trees falling over in the neighborhood though.

We had heavy storms, hail, and some nasty winds as well. The tarp blew off my patio set! Tornado sirens went off twice but nothing was reported to have touched down in our immediate area. All present and accounted for in the Fox clan. ;)

^the winter pool cover blew off twice. after the first time, we were literally walking back into the house and it flew off again. We tied water filled jugs to the wire to hold the cover down...to prevent the lift effect on the one side and it seems to be working.

Good news from everyone so far.

Also, I was looking for a different image of Bernoulli's Principle and ended up with this helpful jpeg.


The storm itself wasn't too bad here, I don't think there were any tornadoes in Michigan. But the ensuing winds have caused a lot of power outages. Statewide I think we're around 650,000 customers out, which works out to probably around 1.5 - 2 million people.

Yeah, it was def short n sassy for my lil area of MI. When the squall line blew in, it gave an entertaining reprieve from the Lions-Steelers game at least.

Tornado sirens went off at my house about 20 minutes before the open house.

People didn't show up and my house still stands ... crappy on both ends. Tornado touched down about 15 miles from my house.

We were driving back from Lincoln to East Lansing on Sunday and our fuel economy was awesome. There was probably a 50mph tailwind.

drove past washington IL where the tornado went through. saw the path across the highway it took. took out almost a dozan of the brand new high tension power poles...literally I saw them installing them last week on my way to the same place. THe farmhouse and barn that where on the east side of the highway were gone....concrete slab was all that was left of the house the barn was a pile of rubble
