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I came real close to buying a McBurney Coachcraft Daytona Spyder Replica back in the mid-nineties.

I still think that conversion is the only proper use of a 1973-1981 Corvette.

I've already informed the wife that if I ever have to give up flying, I'm building a Cobra.

Right after I looked at the Daytona replica, a friend offered his garage so I could build a Beck 550 Spyder replica. I loved those things. In the end, I never did it, but I'd still love to pick up a turnkey one. But I need another car like I need another hole in my head.

Same here. I also think my wife would file papers if I added to the stable. I would almost trade the Harley for a Cobra kit but I would need a bigger garage.

Factory Five makes a nice kit. I'd still like to see about getting one someday although I'd like to sit in one first to see if it'd even be remotely comfortable. One tip I read once is to check the ads and kit car magazines for good deals on kits that people bought and are still in the box in their garage.

^They're the most likely candidate. Factory Five has had pretty good reviews ever since they started shipping kits.

^They're the most likely candidate. Factory Five has had pretty good reviews ever since they started shipping kits.
The Kit Car magazine FactoryFiveRacing annual edition is on the news stands right now. Picked up my copy at CVS yesterday.
