Mars One

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There are no plans to return these pioneers to Earth.
Is there really much point to being a "star" if you never get to come home and reap the benefits of that fame?

There are no plans to return these pioneers to Earth.
Is there really much point to being a "star" if you never get to come home and reap the benefits of that fame?
From what I've seen, people who want to be reality stars aren't smart enough to get to that point in logical reasoning.

fair point, but I'd really hope that whoever they send couldn't be a complete idiot. You would be living in a space station on another planet, I have to think that some survival and mechanical inclination would be a requirement.

So this show is going to be about a bunch of engineers living on Mars... wonder they are having difficulty selling this to people.

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I can't think of a better place to drop Snooki and the Jersey Shore cast. Except maybe the sun.

I can't think of a better place to drop Snooki and the Jersey Shore cast. Except maybe the sun.
Tell them it'll give them an epic tan and they might try to get there on their own.

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first thought that came to mind:


Wasn't Dragon*Con last week? I figure that would be like a career fair for this kind of show.
Yes, one of the reasons there were NO hotels rooms available in Atlanta when I missed a connecting flight there due to delays. Plus the NASCAR race. Plus the Black Gay Pride rally. Not to mention several baseball and football games.

Whoa. Atlanta last week was like a giant segment of "Which of these things are not like the other?" I'm surprised no one rioted.

I was reminded of a sci-fi short story titled "The Man Who Came Back", where people on a future Earth (for various reasons) would enter into indentured servitude colonizing on a distant planet. None ever returned (mostly because life on earth held nothing for them in the first place.)

The story is of one dude who came back.

Using his new understanding of willpower gained in the harsh alien environment, he stuns the world and gets the girl, only to pack up and return, hence the dual-meaning title.

Unfortunately, I could not find it online except for this compilation:

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