Lets make some discipline specifc FAQ type threads

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Lets start making some discipline specific FAQ type threads in each of the exam specific forums (Civil, EE, ME, etc) It would be nice if even for the Civil if we had "help" threads (pinned) for each PM Section. Also the same for ME and the others..

We can all contribute and then someone can revise it at the end so its just one post (sort of like a low budget wikipedia thing)

This way if someone wants to look up Civil WR afternoon section they dont have to read through a garbled mess.

I think it would be good to post references, study aides, certain appendices, charts, etc, anything to help others in the future..

....and then someone can revise it.......
he says.

I wonder who that someone will be? hmmmmm..

Maybe the Whipping boy DVINNY eh?

RG and VTE make me do all the boring stuff. :(

Actually, good idea

Been asking to be able to help with admin type stuff. Think about it guys.

Like the idea. Will help either way.

