Leading Toy Company Seeks Freelancer To Construct World Record Breaking Rube Goldberg Machine. Los Angeles, CA

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Jun 4, 2012
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Hello Engineer Boards,

I am directing a viral video marketing/promotional event for a toy company that I work for, and I need to hire one of you gentlemen.

Here is an example of a large scale Rube Goldberg Machine: http://youtu.be/qybUFnY7Y8w

Let me explain, we have a location in Venice Beach, CA selected in which we would like to construct a large scale Rube Goldberg machine made from our product, a particular toy. The goal is to create a video of the machine working that is so awe-inspiring that the video will surely go viral on the Internet. We are going to invite celebrities to attend as well as children's charity group to receive free toys. A video production company will professionally film the machine operating, and edit the footage into a video which we plan to promote on YouTube and across our social networks. We also hope to get a story in the mainstream news media.

If you, or anyone else you know might be interested in working on this project in the LA Area in the next couple of months, please let me know, it would be a huge help.

Thank you for any information you may be able to provide!


Matt Stone

(contact: [email protected])

Hello Engineer Boards,

I am directing a viral video marketing/promotional event for a toy company that I work for, and I need to hire one of you gentlemen.
Well, forget it! I was going to share my brilliant, guaranteed-to-go-viral video idea, but now I'm insulted. And anyway this is total bs.


Gentlewoman, PE

Did you ever see "The Cog" made by Honda in 2003?

Contrary to the uniformed comments. This video is real. There is another whole video about the making of it. Something like 6 months of attempts to finally make it work.


Matt Stone

(contact: [email protected])
Any relation to Keith Stone?

