Is this too much?

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
It appears the 2013 GT500 will have 650hp and a 200mph top speed. The ZL-1 Camaro is pushing 550hp. The question I have is this: are the automakers going to shoot themselves in the foot with the HP race?

The Australian musclecars were wiped out by a PR blitz in the early seventies, just as the American musclecars were by skyrocketing insurance and smog/fuel mileage mandates. I can just see the press screaming about Ford's '200 MPH MISSILE!!!!' and screaming about the inevitable multiple fatality accident.

Maybe it is time for the manufacturers to start a gentlemen's agreement to start underrating the hp figures, like they did when insurance first started ratcheting up on the 60s cars.

Performance cars are exciting and it good to see the American manufaturers back in the thick of things. The ad campaigns will last only as long as the general public will tolerate them. Inevitably, Joe Treehugger will come out of the woodwork to start legislating against factory performance cars as a menace to socitey. When he does, the ads will dry up but the small Special Vehicle Units will go back to their covert ways and knowledge of their performance offerings will be limited to the target auto enthusiast crowds again.

I don't know the details, but I've often wondered about the testing/data supporting the HP claims. I don't believe the methods of calculating the number are always the same so a 300HP rating/claim from 1960's is not the same as a current 300HP claim/rating.

I don't know the details, but I've often wondered about the testing/data supporting the HP claims. I don't believe the methods of calculating the number are always the same so a 300HP rating/claim from 1960's is not the same as a current 300HP claim/rating.
Prior to 1972, gross hp rating was used and the engines went on the dyno stands sans drive belts, accessories, and a exhaust systems execpt a tuned header. After that, hp was a net rating that required all engine accessories, proscribed jetting and ignition advance, and full exhausts. The SAE spec has changed several times since 1972, IIRC.

My mom worked in the insurance industry during the musclecar years. She said it wasn't that they crashed all that much, but when they did it was at a very high rate of speed with many people on board. It was more like an aircraft crash than a car wreck.

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...are the automakers going to shoot themselves in the foot with the HP race?

...a gentlemen's agreement to start underrating the hp figures...
This would be hard to debate w/o some facts, but Imo, I hope not. As a ME, I'd like to see where this goes.

As for the second quote, would this be considered fraud?

...are the automakers going to shoot themselves in the foot with the HP race?

...a gentlemen's agreement to start underrating the hp figures...
This would be hard to debate w/o some facts, but Imo, I hope not. As a ME, I'd like to see where this goes.

As for the second quote, would this be considered fraud?
Oh, I'm thoruoghly enjoying the hp war, but I think it is getting to the point where they may be painting a target on their back.

As for fraud...I don't think it is fraud to UNDERrate. The highest advertised hp rating in Japan is 276hp.

Not fraud to underate. That car may only make 260 HP at 2,500 RPM. It just happens that they leave the part out about making 650 HP at 7,000 RPM.

I hope that Joe Treehugger and his media friends leave it alone, but they probably will jump on it at some point. They are like little bietches that must always gripe and whine about something. When in a fair world, they worry about the MPG of their Prius' and let us worry about HP ratings.

Fair is fair.

but just so we are clear for future arguments:

STEAK > granola

Nylon rope > hemp rope

Beer > whatever that arizona crap is

Job > Occupying someone's sidewalk

