Is there a limit on the 3 ring bound references (CA)?

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
I am planning on taking in 2 or 3 three ring binders with notes. Are there any restrictions in CA about the number allowed?

I dont believe there is... and if so, 2-3 is well with in the limit... You will see people there taking the Civil test that will have about a dozen of the HUGE three ring binders.

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No limit as far as I am aware, just remember that you can't have pencil written notes in any of your binders or books. The proctors will think you are transcribing the exam and planning to sell it. If you already have pencil written notes for your binders, photocopy them. If you have pencil written notes in a book, redo them in pen or put clear tape over them so you can prove they were not written during the exam.
