I think you calculated the complex power incorrectly. For Sync motor should be 8<38.7. For Induction motor: 10.8<-49.4. If you add them up, the angle is -13.5, so pf is 0.97.I am getting answer "C" 0.96
Syn motor is 8 KVA 0.78 leading. so 8 *.78 = 6.24 KW. Acos .78 = 38.7 deg (6.24,angle 38.7 deg)
Induction motor. 30 * 208 * sq rt 3 * 0.65 lag = 7 KW. Acos .65 = -49.4 deg (7, angle -49.4 deg)
Add together with Calculator (Casio is real easy) (6.24 angle 38.7) + (7 angle -49.4) = 9.53, -8.5 deg
Cos -8.5 deg = .989 PF "C" is the closest???
What answer is in the book?
I have CI, NCEES, Graffeo practice exams. As for GA Tech, do you have a index page? I need to make oneThanks! I did consider buying that book, but I already have the GA Tech binder and EPRM. I was looking for some more practice exams (I did CI, SpinUP and NCEES).