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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
...but I sure did laugh and nod a lot about it when I read it.

There is such a thing as aberrant and deviant behavior. Laugh all you want to. Yes, I am a geezer from another time — when ethics, honor and morality meant something. I assume you are well educated. Read some history and see what became of societies that indulged in debauchery, perversion and filth of every description.

Your publication promotes a lifestyle that will not work. Your message is “coolness is paramount.” Do you know what the pay scale is for coolness? Nothing! Failure, poverty and dependency. The young better start thinking about learning a skill that brings in money. You cannot live with mommy and daddy forever — they are going to die, leaving your dumb ass with an open guitar case on Saluda Avenue hoping some productive citizen will drop a dollar on you. Here’s the main impediment to the many, many bands here in Columbia: no talent. You can’t sing, you know three guitar chords. You could not carry Roy Orbison’s guitar case.

Here’s a very clear statement to all you young smartasses out there: No one gives a s#!t about you. Life is not a flower garden. If you want to succeed, remember this: Your employer will have only one real interest in you, which is, “Do you have a skill that can make money for the company?” They don’t care if you have a band, or issues. But go ahead, have yourself covered in “body art,” get everything pierced, insert metal objects into your flesh, make sure you have boogers hanging out of your nostrils, don’t shower or shave, make sure that you have skin-tight jeans, lose weight until you have achieved that cadaverous, heroin-chic look. Then go to a real business or corporation and apply for a job. They will have to take your application if you can write, but they will s#!tcan it. You only get once chance to make a first impression.

I won’t be around much longer and really don’t want to be. I would hate to depend on the ones of you who will work in medicine or nursing homes. So continue, Free Times, to promote the drug culture, promiscuous sex, irresponsibility, more bands, doing some shots, vomiting, urinating on yourself, whining about your hard life.

I am not alone in my opinion. Many seniors share my opinion. Just in case you don’t get it, your paper is a rag, birdcage liner, fish wrapper and outhouse toilet paper.

The name makes me think it was a put on by the staff to increase letters to the editor.

There is so much truth in that letter. I have no problem with people doing what they want for a living or to their bodies, but don't cry about it when it affects your life negatively.

I have no problem with people doing what they want for a living or to their bodies, but don't cry about it when it affects your life negatively.

I agree.

I think it is the result of people being raised without having consequences for their actions and getting participation trophies. When they get into the real world and are stripped of mommy and daddy's (increasingly, just mommy's) insulation from reality, they have no mechanism to realize they must adjust to the world, not vice versa.

And this

I won’t be around much longer and really don’t want to be. I would hate to depend on the ones of you who will work in medicine or nursing homes.

I totally agree with. In fact, I might take up smoking and base jumping.

Sounds like what my dad told me was gonna happen to me when I got an eyebrow piercing. :)

My wife and I each have multiple tattoo's and we still have well paying jobs... :dunno:

I don't think anyone here is saying that having an eyebrow ring or a few tattoos is a bad thing. But if you look like either one of these folks, then don't complain when it affects your opportunities in life:



Now I know I'm posting extreme cases, but you get the point. In regards to tattoos, most of the time they can be covered up by typical work attire. It's the extreme cases that cause problems.

I don't think anyone here is saying that having an eyebrow ring or a few tattoos is a bad thing.

I am.

Anything to do with needles and stuff going into your body icks me out. Permamnently doing so...wtf?

I can tolerate peirced ears, but that's about it.
