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This was my 2nd time taking the exam.

When I took it in April 2017, I felt like the Breadth was heavily weighted towards structural mechanics which is a weakness of mine. When I got my diagnostics back, it showed I missed 5 out of 7 water problems! It didn't make any sense because the I killed those subjects (Open Channel, Closed Conduits, and Hydrology) in the Depth. In an case, I was pretty PO'd because I took the EET prep courses and I felt really prepared. I do have a slight form of dyslexia (and apparently retardation), so maybe that kicked in. 

This time around, I put more emphasis of my study time in the Breadth. Hopefully it paid off because I actually felt okay despite all the conceptual problems. I finished with a good 30 minutes left so I was able to recheck all my answers. The Depth actually seemed harder to me this time around. Part of it was definitely my fault for sucking at time management. I would spend way too much time on problems I thought I could solve. In the end I probably guessed on about 5 problems in the Depth and maybe 3 problems in the Breadth. Not to say I feel totally confident in ALL the problems I didn't guess on.

Having said that, I really wish everyone the best of luck and hopefully you see that green "Pass" in your MyNCEES! I would also like to say that I highly recommend taking the EET prep classes. Even though I failed last spring I blame only myself. I went in to the exam with only my EET binders, the CERM, NCEES practice exam, and the Dictionary for Water Resources & Enviro Engineering (which was a complete waste).

By the way, for those of you that have previous NCEES practice exams; how the he!l did you get your hands on those?
