He's baaaaack....

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Mike in Gastonia

Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
I think "he is not to be named" is back. A new poster on the other board is linking his website. Who else would do that?


well... at least he's not here! I'm sorta surprised tho... the post he responded to had some pretty blatant grammatical errors... and "he who shall not be named" didn't even mention them!

whose is the first one?
That's what I was wondering. Doesn't appear to belong to "he who will not be named", and it also doesn't appear to be related to the PE exam - just a general engineers' forum. I'm sure "he" is involved somehow or he wouldn't have linked it; especially above his.....

That's what I was wondering. Doesn't appear to belong to "he who will not be named", and it also doesn't appear to be related to the PE exam - just a general engineers' forum. I'm sure "he" is involved somehow or he wouldn't have linked it; especially above his.....
"he" must have been pretty rough whoever "he" is to get that kind of reference from this board.

pretty much. A fairly difficult person to get along with, even from a distance.

"he" must have been pretty rough whoever "he" is to get that kind of reference from this board.
He who shall not be named (also called YKW for you know who) was a member here over a year ago. He quickly pissed people off with a holier than thou attitude. He would demand to be made a moderator here.

He demanded engineers should be strictly professional and use proper grammar, then went off on semi-coherent rants late at night.

We eventually banned him. He then threatened to notify our state boards if we didn't let him back on.

In that case, I demand to be made a moderator (since its here for the demanding :D )

I will then ban myself permanently and inform on my self to my state board for unprofessional behavior and conduct unbecoming, etc, etc.

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yeah, he's kind of like our boy Carlito (UK nancy-boy), but more acerbic & combative.

edit - i should say was like . . . .

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^^ and, in a small defense to Carlito, YKW posted crazy shit on multiple topics. At least our UK buddy keeps to just a couple.

Ah, I read about him in another thread. Well, from what I've seen carlito will hold a decent conversation..nothing worthy of banning (in my opinion). I like reading other's controversy, makes the day go by faster

Carlito's my boy! i just like bashing on the guy, he has the decency to refrain from my goading attempts, esp. the "We are the World" post i gave him - but i also think the guy's an arrogant ass too. I :dunno: why he won't add me as a friend?

dude...I just clicked on the linky and saw he's going by eng_dude_man.... damn it...I like my dude tag, but would like to distance myself from similiarities to that guy...

I think he should be the one to change his name... I am much more dude than him!
