Happy Birthday Master slacker!

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Happy Birthday! Hopefully, you're reading this from your three day weekend.

Happy B-day!!!

You guys should be doing a lot better... You're letting too many customers walk. I want to hear some of their excuses. Try and STUMP me... I HAVE AN ANSWER FOR EVERYTHING. COME ON!

Since it's at the top...

1) Got to work and badged in at the front gate and the gate didn't open. Guard said, "Badge is expired. Go see security." I'm still employed, but still. Gonna be a good day...

2) On the drive home I realized that my driver's license expired at the end of the day. :eek:hmy: $%)*#$%!!! Instead of going home to get my booze on, I fight traffic to sit at the DMV for two hours to pay my $21.50 and get a mugshot-like photo on a new piece of plastic. Good news? Won't have to worry about the DL for 4 more years. Disturbing news? Saw many poorly dressed people. Even one lady, overweight and pushing 70, wearing red shoes, red pants, and that giant red Elmo shirt. Disturbing.

3) Running low on gas, I had to stop at the gas station to fill up... with the rest of mankind. I pulled to the pump at the same time as a lady in an F150. I filled up the beater and got out of there before she even got the nozzle to the filler. Doopty doo!

4) Got drunk.

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