happy birthday Capt. worley

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Many happinesses on this, the day of your birth! :multiplespotting: :thumbs: :appl:

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Happy birthday Capt.

I hope you get to go home early and enjoy a few CAB's :Banane35:

Thanks, y'all!

I hope you get to go home early and enjoy a few CAB's :Banane35:
That sounds like a good plan. If the office weather pattern is like it was yesterday (87 degrees when I left) that plan may very well be put into action.

Don't forget the brats! Just for today, I will resist calling you that B word that I often do when you brag about brats and cabs while I'm still here at work. Happy birthday!

Don't forget the brats! Just for today, I will resist calling you that B word that I often do when you brag about brats and cabs while I'm still here at work. Happy birthday!
Oh, for the days when I had Friday afternoons off and could do the brats and beer.

But, I am having BLTs tonight! BLTs and CABs, the cornerstone of any nutritious meal.
