Google Sucks ?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Any time I type Google Sucks in a post and post it, Sucks is inserted after the word Google Sucks. See Google Sucks, Google Sucks, Google Sucks. I only typed s**ks one time in this post in the previous sentence. Anybody else notice this?

Google Sucks Sucks

Edit: That's funny. I only typed the G-word to see what happened...

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Sorry, mods don't get to see this sort of thing.

LOL, I'm guessing this was implemented by RG as a retaliation to their advertising fall-out. Funny...

The short story is that after a 6 year relationship with google ads, for some unknown reason they terminated my account. I think someone massively clicked on the ads (without my knowledge) and that triggered them to cancel the account... So that's why you have seen some weird ads lately, I am trying to find a good replacement but have not had mug luck....

Bing and yahoo are coming out with a similar service but right now they are only taking sites with 2 million monthly page views... Were at 30,000 monthly page views...

So in my vast immaturity I added the google sucks....

Hmm, well that explains all the weird ads and pop-ups that I've been seeing when I visit this site from a computer. They don't show on the phone connection (which is nice in some ways).

Google is a major pain in the arse sometimes anyway! Thanks for the laughs.

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