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has anyone received their letter from the board regarding renewal? they said they would mail it in November, but I haven't got anything yet... :dunno:

You sure you passed the PE? I doubt they'd send you a renewal letter if you hadn't. Maybe they lost your file and you'll have to retake it again. All the stuff you've stamped since then is probably null and void now too.


Just pokin' a little fun your way, as you're wont to do to us from time to time.

I don't think my boss has received his notice of renewal either, just some CE stuff. I'd call them if I were you and see what's up. Now might be better than after they receive the PE results, they seem to be overwhelmed and confused most of the time up there.


My supervisor hasn't received his FL license renewal information either.

On the other hand, FES sent him a brochure offering a Spring Principles and Practice Exam review for the April 2007 exam. :dunno:


My supervisor hasn't received his FL license renewal information either.
On the other hand, FES sent him a brochure offering a Spring Principles and Practice Exam review for the April 2007 exam. :dunno:

Like I said in another thread, zero confidence. Someone in the FL government should whip that office into shape, it's sad really.

Thanks guys, you are right, someone should shape this thing straight, as well as NCEES; it's not possible that it takes over 2 months to grade a scantron test!!

Happy Holidays!! :beerchug

Did anyone in FL get their renewal letter yet??

Are we supposed to take the FL building code course to renew it??

If you passed the P.E. exam last year, you only have to pay the fee to renew. No additional courses are required.

Did anyone in FL get their renewal letter yet??Are we supposed to take the FL building code course to renew it??
Dr. Franz --

My supervisor took the online building code training the last week of December and posted the results at the myfloridalicense.com web portal before the weekend before 01 Jan.

It seems that FL is doing a lot of things electronically these days, including notifications.

From FBPE.org ....

The 2007 renewal for Professional Engineer licenses and Certificates of Authorizations for companies has begun. As of Thursday, November 2, 2006, you can renew your license online provided you have reported your CE hours. Please begin self-reporting your hours as soon as possible. You can report course credits as you earn them and when you see in the reporting summary of your account that you have met all the CE requirements, you will be ready to renew your license online. If you have never activated an account on www.myfloridalicense.com, there is a link above to a detailed discussion of how you go about setting up such an account. If you have previously activated an account on the licensure database and it has become deactivated from lack of use, the link at the beginning of this article also provides directions on how to contact the DBPR to get your pin number reset. Since this database belongs to the Department, you must work through its customer contact center for support on reactivating your account. If you have never used your account on the Department's database, please be patient in setting up your account and dealing with the Department's customer contact center in proceeding to enter your hours. Your reward will be that you can renew your PE license online simply and quickly.

You will receive a detailed renewal notice at your official address of record. You should go online and confirm that the database reflects your correct address, because that is where your renewal notice will be mailed. If you have moved in the last two years and have not updated your official address of record, please use this link, Change of Address form, to our online change of address form to update that information as soon as you can. Failure to timely renew your license will result in the imposition of delinquency fees and you would not want to incur those extra fees simply because we do not have your current address.

My supervisor isn't around today to ask any questions - get a hold of someone at the board. You should have heard something by now - something doesn't sound right here.


I got my renewal letter last year, probably in November. I sent it in last week. I did not have to do any courses or earn credits since i qualified for an exemption. If you passed the exam after a certain date (not sure, believe it is Feb 2005, but it is stated in the renewal form) you are exempt from the credit hour/PDH stuff. The exemption is also mentioned in section 61G15-22.009 of the Florida Administrative Code.

"New licensees who have achieved licensure by examination, pursuant to 471.013, F.S.., shall be exempt for their first renewal period."

This DOES NOT mean you do not have to renew, just that you do not have to earn credits/PDH, everyone still HAS TO renew and pay the renewal fee of $130.00.

hope this helps........ :D

I got my renewal letter last year, probably in November. I sent it in last week. I did not have to do any courses or earn credits since i qualified for an exemption. If you passed the exam after a certain date (not sure, believe it is Feb 2005, but it is stated in the renewal form) you are exempt from the credit hour/PDH stuff. The exemption is also mentioned in section 61G15-22.009 of the Florida Administrative Code.
"New licensees who have achieved licensure by examination, pursuant to 471.013, F.S.., shall be exempt for their first renewal period."

This DOES NOT mean you do not have to renew, just that you do not have to earn credits/PDH, everyone still HAS TO renew and pay the renewal fee of $130.00.

hope this helps........ :D
Thanks Wilbur, I actually went online and renew the darn thing... I did not get my letter btw and my only doubt was if I/we are supposed to do the FL building code course to renew it... I remember that it's mandatory for all FL PE's to take that course, but I did not know if it was included in the exemption or not.
