Excel Question

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Dexman PE

Trying to get several tabs linked together and want to know if there is a way to have one tab isolate and compile 1 particular item from another tab (something like a VLOOKUP command, but I can't seem to get that one to work). This is for a spreadsheet I have established for my checkbook (been in use since 2007) and I want to be able to pull out my savings deposits/withdrawls into a separate tab. The reason I need it is because I also use it as a "look ahead" budgetary thing that allows me to forcast my budget for several months, and I will constantly adjust how much I pay towards several items to see how to best allocate the budget (like "Do I pay $100 extra on the car, or do I put $50 in savings and $50 extra on a credit card). I am just hoping to automate the process as much as possible without having to flip from tab to tab to make these changes.

Here is how the current tab (titled "Checking") is laid out:

Col A - Week Counter (I count weeks based off of paydays so I know how far out certain events are)

Col B - Date

Col C - Item Description (ie. "Car Payment", "Savings transfer")

Col D - "Income" (any money coming INTO the checking account)

Col E - "Expenses" (any money going OUT of the checking account)

Col F - Balance (previous row + income - expenses)

This being said, I was looking to start a new tab called "Savings" that would do an automatic lookup for any time the Description in the Checking tab said "Savings Transfer" so that I can keep a running total of these items as the budget adjusts.

Any thoughts/ideas?

I am a little confused but have you tried the index function. Similar to VLOOKUP, but I have better luck with it.

You can set up a macro to run when you chance a cell. depending on how things are set up, you might be able to automate the updates.

I want to do something like the AUTOFILTER where when you select "Savings Transfer" it isolates all rows where it appears. I just want this output inserted into a separate tab so I can then manipulate that info without changing the original tab. I want it to be dynamic so that if I change the values in the main tab it updates the secondary.

I just started using Mint.com for my finances and budgeting. I used to use a similar Excel spreadsheet too, but I like the capabilities of Mint so far. Sorry, a little off topic... :)

Trying to get several tabs linked together and want to know if there is a way to have one tab isolate and compile 1 particular item from another tab (something like a VLOOKUP command, but I can't seem to get that one to work). This is for a spreadsheet I have established for my checkbook (been in use since 2007) and I want to be able to pull out my savings deposits/withdrawls into a separate tab. The reason I need it is because I also use it as a "look ahead" budgetary thing that allows me to forcast my budget for several months, and I will constantly adjust how much I pay towards several items to see how to best allocate the budget (like "Do I pay $100 extra on the car, or do I put $50 in savings and $50 extra on a credit card). I am just hoping to automate the process as much as possible without having to flip from tab to tab to make these changes.
Here is how the current tab (titled "Checking") is laid out:

Col A - Week Counter (I count weeks based off of paydays so I know how far out certain events are)

Col B - Date

Col C - Item Description (ie. "Car Payment", "Savings transfer")

Col D - "Income" (any money coming INTO the checking account)

Col E - "Expenses" (any money going OUT of the checking account)

Col F - Balance (previous row + income - expenses)

This being said, I was looking to start a new tab called "Savings" that would do an automatic lookup for any time the Description in the Checking tab said "Savings Transfer" so that I can keep a running total of these items as the budget adjusts.

Any thoughts/ideas?

Like this?




  • test.xls
    22.5 KB
After unhiding column A to understand what you did, yeah I think that's what I'm looking for. I'll play with it a bit more later to see if I have any questions.

It was just a rough whip up of what I thought you were looking for... could definitely make it look a lot better. I think it would probably make sense to compile a "list" of all your possible incomes and expenses and then create a pull down box for every line item. That way you wouldn't run the risk of misspelling "Savings" and having it not show up on the second tab.

Sorry if that doesn't make sense... but let me know if you have any questions.

Start talking about Excel and I get all excited... :blush:

It was just a rough whip up of what I thought you were looking for... could definitely make it look a lot better. I think it would probably make sense to compile a "list" of all your possible incomes and expenses and then create a pull down box for every line item. That way you wouldn't run the risk of misspelling "Savings" and having it not show up on the second tab.
Yeah, I modified it a little so I could do both deposits and withdrawls, and to include the date. I have no experience with "lists", but I tend to rely on the auto-fill feature to help with spelling issues.

Start talking about Excel and I get all excited... :blush:
I sent a text message to my wife saying someone from EB.com helped me with my excel problem and I was excited I got it to work. Her exact response: "Go nerds, it's your birthday (while circling arms in front of me)"
