Environmental PE Exam

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Nuclear EnvY

New member
Feb 19, 2011
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I am new to the site and I am preparing for the new Environmental PE Exam. I am planning to take my first run at it in the fall. I know this spring will be the first run, but I don't think the material can be so very different from the past. I have checked out the info on the NCEES site, and it seems fairly similiar. The bulk of my work has been with water/wastewater and some air; with lots of hazardous materials dispositioning. Any suggestions on where to start? Thanks

Hi!I am new to the site and I am preparing for the new Environmental PE Exam. I am planning to take my first run at it in the fall. I know this spring will be the first run, but I don't think the material can be so very different from the past. I have checked out the info on the NCEES site, and it seems fairly similiar. The bulk of my work has been with water/wastewater and some air; with lots of hazardous materials dispositioning. Any suggestions on where to start? Thanks
Nuclear Envy..I am on the same boat.no idea where to start my preparation..have you started anything??

Folks on this forum please help...

There's plenty of advice in the threads here. Check the threads that are pinned at the top of this forum.

And don't panic. Just start studying. Read chapters of the EnvRM, do the example problems yourself (don't just read them), then do the practice problems in the PPI practice problem book for that chapter. You'll start to figure it out. Read the advice threads to get some ideas hw much time to spend on each subject, and which chapters in the ENVRM you can skip (you can pretty much skip all the basic math and thermo stuff - just start right into the exam material. I'd start with Air just because it's relatively short and the ENVRM covers it pretty well.
