my first engineering job was with a small firm based out of Kentucky that had come to Atlanta for a slice of the new Federal Transportation dollars.
To this day I dont like to admit that I worked there for a long 8 months, but towards the end of my time there the owner had a little plane he liked to fly down to his house in Myrtle Beach, and since our office was very close to the Marietta Airport he would stop by after his little vacations.. well one time they picked up some developer clients they were trying to woo in their ford explorer for a night on the town in Atlanta then they drove to the airport for the Myrtle Beach trip, golf, etc,
So anyways, of course I was not invited, no big deal, but when they got back they asked me to clean the car and then also drive to the airport and clean out the plane, I took this to mean "pay someone to clean the car" so I went to one of those autodetailing places and left the car (which was trashed, fast food garbage, beer cans, generally dirtiness......I think the bill was pretty steep but thats what their credit card was for right?
I was already feeling out other people for jobs and I politely refused to clean out "the airplane" I got a big speech about "teamwork and a bnch of other ********" it fealt really good to turn in my notice a few weeks later..
there are not many remedial tasks I have no problem doing, have done them in the military, done them here, i generally dont ask secretaries to scan one sheet of paper but I just aint going to clean up someone elses ****...