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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2009
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Now that ELSES is part of NCEES, will it take longer to get my results via email?

From the NCEES website:

2000: The NCEES Engineering and Land Surveying Examination Services (ELSES) is established to provide exam administration services to NCEES Member Boards. Initially chartered as an NCEES affiliate, ELSES was dissolved in 2009 but continued to provide the same services as the NCEES Exam Administration Services department.

Now that ELSES is part of NCEES, will it take longer to get my results via email?
They weren't "elses" last fall either, right? In looking at the results spreadsheet in the results forum, it looked like all of the e-mail states were the same or a couple days earlier than last spring. So it looks like no difference?

A little "bird" told me last week that even CA will be requiring everyone taking any CA exam in October will have to register with NCEES.

Times sure are changing!

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I was reading an article the other day about changes in exam adminstration. They spoke with our pal Tim @ NCEES. Sounds like people will be registering online with NCEES, and have to select depth sections at the time or registration, rather than on exam day.

Now that ELSES is part of NCEES, will it take longer to get my results via email?
They weren't "elses" last fall either, right? In looking at the results spreadsheet in the results forum, it looked like all of the e-mail states were the same or a couple days earlier than last spring. So it looks like no difference?
They were Elses last fall.
