Electrical Power PE Study DVDs

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Jan 3, 2012
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Hi I've been monitoring this board for a while but first time poster.

I currently work for a top ten engineering consulting company and have seven years of experience under my belt in the power industry. Every day I work with extremely talented engineers that have decades of experience. I passed the Power PE exam a couple of years ago but one of the problems I encountered while studying is almost all the study materials are "text book" type books of theory or sample exams. Over the past few months I have been toying with the idea of creating a series of quality PE Review DVDs covering all the topics of the Power PE Exam. The DVDs would be in-depth review of all the topics covered on the exam per the NCEES standards and would allow the user to skip over topics they already are familiar with so they can focus on topics that need further development. I would hire other engineers that are experts in the field to help develop the study material and create the DVDs.

The reason I'm posting this is I'd like feedback from actual electricals studying for the PE exam. Do you feel that a quality DVD series would be beneficial for your studies? Any feedback is appreciated.

Thanks. Anthony

Absolutely.. some of suggested textbooks are time consuming to go through. The figures and explanations rarely on the same page so that causes a lot of time to understand than it should. Having someone do the voice as well as drawings at the same time would be awesome..

Plus having pictures and animations would help the learning experience.

It would be a highly valuable tool to prepare for the PE. Textbooks can be very overwhelming when trying to prepare for an exam because of the amount of information.
