ECU Upgrade

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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Ive recently bought a 2001 Audi TT 180h quattro and want to "beef" up the car as much as my budget will alow. :th_rockon: Ive bought/installed a neuspeed intake and noticed a little hp increase (as expected). ive been told the best way to get the most out of it is to upgrade the ECU which is simply upgrading the software. Ive been to the APR website who want about 500 plus i have to install a BOV because the factory one wont take the higher pressures. thats a little more than i wanted to pay. so i found JET performance products who offer to do it for about have that if i take out the ecu and send it to them.

Anybody done something like this?

Any opinions?

One really good resouce for all things VW and Audi is It's a huge owner's forum where these kinds of things are discussed regularly. Anything from performance upgrades like ECU's, exhaust, intakes, and suspensions to appearance upgrades like wheels/tires, carbon fiber, interiors, sound systems. There are also several classifieds sections where these things are bought/sold including several vendors promoting new products.

Check out for ways to mechanically fool your ECU into thinking your at stock boost. You may be safer doing that and increasing boost yourself, rather than chipping your car. All sorts of stuff on fifth injectors, homebuilt BOV and dump valves, and intercoolers.

I like those Audi TTs, but VW/Audi scares me with reliabilty and Audi is (in)famous for discontinuing parts once the car gets over ten years old.

Have fun! Cool looking car, BTW.
