ebola patients cured!

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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So those two folks that were sent to Atlanta were released today, cured of Ebola..

First I have to say medically this is pretty cool...

Second. I wonder what is going to happen when you have thousands of people dying in Africa from Ebola and then somewhere hidden in the US , were like, oph yeah we have this secret cure for that ...

Hopefully they can make the drug more affordable... rumor is they only had a dozen vials or something?

sort of hard to do the human testing to get the FDA aprroval if no one in the US has the disease to try to treat. Going to Africa or other places where the disease exists we would be labels as barbarians for trying experimental drugs on the weak and the poor.

hope he don't have sex with his wife or anyone yet...I think the sperm still potentially carried the virus

I like the idea of the FDA and the regulatory process because it keeps people from rushing snake oil to market with side effects worse than what the drug cures. But I also think that bureaucracy leads some potentially revolutionary, life-saving drugs to take WAY too long to reach the market. Seriously...if they found a cure for cancer tomorrow, it could be a decade before the drug could be legally distributed in America. How many people would die from cancer over that decade?

I saw a cool post on a professional forum for the USPHS, with a picture of the portable isolation tent that was used to transfer those two inside the USAF aircraft. I think it was installed and overseen by a USPHS engineer. (oh wonderful - I guess that means if ebola spreads that will be a potential job for me...)

I also saw where it was incinerated after use (so they burned two of them)

I admit I was really skeptical of bringing these people here, especially considering who is running the country and CDC these days.. but I am impressed.. I just hope they are really "cured" before they get unleased into the world..

and Dex- I think you can resign if they make you interact with Ebola patients without the threat of the UCMJ action.. I wouldn't fool with it either...

I also saw where it was incinerated after use (so they burned two of them)

I admit I was really skeptical of bringing these people here, especially considering who is running the country and CDC these days.. but I am impressed.. I just hope they are really "cured" before they get unleased into the world..

and Dex- I think you can resign if they make you interact with Ebola patients without the threat of the UCMJ action.. I wouldn't fool with it either...
too late they are already back into the world. They tested them twice 48 hrs apart both negative. so they released them yesterday I think
