Digital Drugs??? Real or not?

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according to the article, "No one over 18 is trying to get stoned on a song."

uh... dude... I'm freaking thirty and I'm downloading the whole freaking catalogue tonight.

Image of kids after they listen to that music:


From the comments:

"Rush and Beck have a similar effect on a lot of people. "

LOL! "iDose" is the marijuana and/or LSD of the digital drug world, and Rush and Beck are the crystal meth?

What a load of crap.

That's like saying you just dropped a ton of acid, are tripping balls, and put on your Pink Floyd album, only for someone to use the logic that if you're listening to PF, and you're high, you must be high BECAUSE you're listening to PF!

What a load of crap.

That's like saying you just dropped a ton of acid, are tripping balls, and put on your Pink Floyd album, only for someone to use the logic that if you're listening to PF, and you're high, you must be high BECAUSE you're listening to PF!
Yeah, I believe the kids have the teachers and authorities conned that it is the music and not the pills they are popping. Those CD's aren't any different that the Podrunner stuff I workout to sponsored by the Navy.
