Cop sues Starbucks for $50k for spilled coffee

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I particularly like the part about his wife losing , "...a source of emotional support, her social companion and her intimate partner." Maybe they should castrate him before paying the $50k to at least make the accusations true.

Well I for one am glad we are finally dealing head on with the issue of corporations trying to bribe their local law enforcement officers with free handouts. I say to the police officer who made the sacrifice so that the rest of society can move beyond the corruption, bravo, my good man, you sir are a real hero for exposing the greed and shady business dealings of these top 2% money grubbing evil empires.

Sap, I agree with you! Takin it to Dunkin Donuts would have been too large of a step for society. Suing over a bribery of free donuts AND coffee would have been cliche and resulted in this officer of the law being perceived as a "candy ass" by the rest of us.

Anyone ever read up on the McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit?

It sounds ridiculous but the store had been warned multiple times that their coffee was too hot and "didn't conform to McDonald's standards". We had to study it for an mba class and it was pretty interesting. Basically the paper trail from the company to the franchisee was pretty damning and that sort of sealed their fate by the jury..

I don't agree with the settlement amount but McDonald's did screw themselves...

Also (IIRC), the brazillion dollars that the lady won in the McD's case was severely reduced on appeal & settlement (?)

Don't worry though, she still got a few dollars after the lawyers on both sides made their bank.

"during the trial he testified that he first drove home to take pictures and waited more than two hours before seeking medical treatment."

If you're hurt so bad...why wait?
