Cold Case / The Unit

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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I guess I don't ever watch CBS, but I have been catching up on these re runs late at night, I can't believe I missed these shows when they were in prime time (maybe they still are).

I don't know if I like cold case because of the "police drama" or the retro endings with the usually 80's or 70's music.......

I think Cold Case is great.

I like the retro of each episode, but also the then/now comparisons, etc. I think that show has a good overall idea behind it

I loved Cold case. I hear the DVD release is being held up over the movie rights. frankly, the music makes the show. If they can't get the rights, they may as well forget it. They released Fastlane without the music and it sucked.

Never saw The Unit.

The Unit was/is awsome but has been canceled. I think it lasted 3 seasons and was DVR'd every week at my house. Of course all the crappy reality TV is still alive and kicking, but MY show gets the ax. Par for the course actually. Anything that has good writers, acting, plot gets cut because reality TV cost so little to make and there are plenty of couch potatoes around that will watch anything.

i canned netflix, but was hoping that netflix would pick up the Unit, I havent see the Unit in order..

only thing that is creepy is the Colonel sleeping with the SGT's wife and such, but having been active duty before I know that type of stuff happens alot, not aware of it happening between an O-5 and an E-5's spouse, but it was farily common when I was stationed at Fort Stewart (amongst enlisted folks)

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i canned netflix, but was hoping that netflix would pick up the Unit, I havent see the Unit in order..
Have you replaced Netflix with something else? We've been looking to possibly get rid of it as well and go with Hulu+.

^I'll bet she did :lmao:

This has been my fave recently, on FX:
