Clean-air rules may squeeze SC

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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Nationwide implications, really. Article is specific to SC, but the issue is greater than just our little corner of the world.

More than half of South Carolina’s counties, including Richland and Lexington, are in danger of falling out of compliance with tougher federal smog standards that could make it harder for industries to expand in the Palmetto State, regulators say.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rules, which could take effect in the next two years, are intended to clean up the air by reducing ground-level ozone, a lung irritant and a key ingredient in smog. People with asthma and other breathing disorders are particularly vulnerable to ozone pollution.

But in a letter last month to state lawmakers, the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control said tighter ozone standards also would have economic consequences — unless the state takes action to clear up smoggy skies.
Read more here:
The western counties of Michigan have been having to fight off the EPA on the tightened standards already. I haven't followed it closely, but I think they've gotten reprieve because no matter how much they reduce pollution sources they would still be non-compliant. In fact, even if there was NO pollution emitted in these counties they'd still be non-compliant because of the pollution wafting over Lake Michigan from the Chicago area. We're talking areas that are mostly farmland having to have emissions inspections on their cars, for no real reason.
