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The doggy daycare place we take our dog to has a bunch of treadmills that they use to exercise the dogs. Occasionally when I walk in I'll see one them cheating in a similar fashion. As soon as the trainer walks in to take our dog, the offender stops cheating. LOL


Meet Sadie. She's a goofball. The pound said she was a shepherd/collie mix. I call BS on the collie part which means they didn't know. I can see the shepherd though. We are thinking possibly some whippet or pitbull mixed in there.

As some of the old timers here can attest, I blabber on enough about my dog she might as well be the mascot here.
Indeed. Always enjoyed seeing your av change with new doggy pics.

I found it especially funny becasue I have a Sheltie. I don't think i could train him to stay on a moving treadmill though.

Sadie looks like she has an extended snout...there might be some collie in there. Nice looking dog.

sure, but IMO the shepard's snout is more broad compared to the collie's which in longer and more narrow.

either way she looks pretty content there.


Meet Sadie. She's a goofball. The pound said she was a shepherd/collie mix. I call BS on the collie part which means they didn't know. I can see the shepherd though. We are thinking possibly some whippet or pitbull mixed in there.

As some of the old timers here can attest, I blabber on enough about my dog she might as well be the mascot here.
Indeed. Always enjoyed seeing your av change with new doggy pics.
I grew up with a GSD/Collie mix. He was 100+ pounds of awesome. I remember picking blueberries and strawberries with him in the Catskills. For every one I would get in the basket, he'd get 2 or 3 in his mouth. Amazing creature, he would put himself between me and my folks when I was little and did something dumb and they were going to yell at me about it.

As for my av, it's a theme for it to be a black Lab pic, but this one is actually mine holding a teddy bear from last weekend. Staged, of course. But still cool. She is a sweetheart and a loyal companion, despite her nasty habits.

MA - How did our dogs never get together during my Boston days? That woulda been a hoot.

^ LOL he looks like a rat in that picture. A very cute rat mind you.

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Here's my puppy. He's a Bassett, Blue Heeler, Austrailian Shepherd mix (per the breeder), but we don't really see the Shepherd.

His name is Jax, but we call him Woofer P. Woofington the 3rd for short. This pic was from Christmas time but he's about 11 months old now.

IMAG0071 (Medium).jpg

^ he looks like trouble! This is the one that "helped" you with the landscaping, correct? ;)

Man, there are two shelties in this thread. I had a shelty many moons ago, but she died when she was 8 - about 3 months before I graduated college. That sucked so hard. :bawling:

Still sucks.
