You are welcome.
You may likely get away with bringing only Dr. I's book with you because it will likely have most, if not all, of the ASCE 7 and CBC excerpts you might need on the exam. But I still think it would be wise to take the ASCE 7 and CBC with you. But, for the most part, you will only be referencing one good workbook (Dr I's or Mr. Hiner's) during the exam.
I'm sure you'd likely pass with all three of the Survey classes you listed. And yes, like EG mentioned, EET's Survey class is relatively new. But, given their reputation, I think you'd be in good hands with EET for Survey.
Again, I'm thinking you did not read the sticky I linked you too.
You will only need one good workbook for each exam. For Seismic, again, I'd recommend picking one workbook - either Hiner's or Ibrahim's workbook and know that one book inside and out. On the Survey exam, I don't think I ever cracked my book open for anything but hor and vert curve formulas. They're usually common sense, in your head, basic trig, memorized formulas, etc. So, pick one good Survey reference (like the class material you'd get from EET's class, Mansour, PPI, etc.) and let that be your main survey book. Then supplement it with as many additional problems as you can get your hands on for practice before the exam.