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The pictures were just a photoshop joke. I haven't received results, but I wanted to gig everyone.

I am what I refer to as an agnostic athiest. My main concern with Jesus (if he exists) is why he plays favorites. He appeared to a select few and shunned the rest of us. Supposing there truly is an omnipotent (take this to mean omnipresent and omniscient as well) all father type deity, it is fully within his realm of capability to at least remove all doubt of his existence from the minds of non-believers, yet he doesn't do so. I've heard others mention free will and such arguments, however, I have never seen this argument in the Bible. Matt Dillahunty actually has the best argument, IMO, for the free will defense in specifically pointing out that Satan and a third of the Angels had free will, were creations of God, were weaker beings than God, and yet were perfectly capable of rebelling against God while knowing he existed. 

I was raised in a fiercely religious family and it took me years to get out of my indoctrination of "belief without question." Once I moved out from my parents and started to critically question the Bible and the world around me, I started to realize the good book does not hold up to critical scrutiny. There are several barbaric practices the church partakes in that are hideous when looked at from another point of view. Take the practice of circumcision for example. When Muslims mutilate female genitals, everybody gets butthurt, but when Christians  happily have their sons genitalia mutilated because the good book says so, somehow that's fine because God said so. Why did he even put the foreskin on, one might ask? Is it that God made a mistake? Also consider the story of Eden. If God didn't want Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, then why was the tree even in Eden. He's also supposed to be omniscient and omnipresent, he knew this was going to happen. It's like me leaving a steak in the living room for my dog and then beating him and banishing him and all future puppies outside when he ate it, despite the fact that I full well knew the poor pupper would. It's steak and I don't think I'd have that kind of control, much less expect my K-9 companion to. God also didn't mind guarding the tree with flaming swords that turned every way after the fall of man, he could've done so just as easily before one would think. For that matter, assuming the tree was a tangible temporal object, he could've placed the thing on Mars or he could've even made it inedible or even banished it to an alternate dimension (he's God after all). Just like I could avoid having my dog eat my steak by placing it in the oven. Another one of my favorites is Samson slaying 1000 Philistines with a donkey's jaw bone in the book of Judges. It is a complete impossibility for one man to accomplish such a feat. Even the Spartans with 300 in the pass at Thermopylae only managed to kill around 30 Persians each and this was only because their flanks were covered and their backs were inaccessible (for a time, anyway). Then there is the mention of Moses and the Israelites on the Exodus from Egypt.  There is literally no scientific backing or archeological evidence to prove this event ever happened not to mention that the trip was likely around 500KM or about 310 Miles. It's quite a haul, but most of the people in ancient times could handle 15 to 20 miles a day without too many problems. Even if they rested on the Sabbath, they should've made it to the promised land in less than a month. It took them 40 years to get there. God must've had his hand in programming apple maps I guess. No mention from Egyptians of hundreds of thousands if not millions of slaves leaving Egypt either. You'd think that would've kind of been a big deal. At least enough to get a few picture characters chiseled into some limestone.

Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely be a believer if there were any substantial evidence to support the case for Christ or any other deity for the thousands of religions. You'd think there would be gods everywhere doing their deeds as many as have existed throughout history.

If substantiating evidence were to be provided to me, I would change my mind if the evidence surpassed my burden of proof. Sadly, I've yet to see this happen. Seems like every time evidence is presented, it is done so in the way that Bigfoot is. By that I mean, it is a "look here are pictures of Bigfoot," however, no proof ever really materializes and if something (like hair) does get tested, it's proven to be a forgery. Just like the shroud of Turin now that I think about it. Maybe Jesus is Bigfoot. I have a feeling I would have a substantially equal probability of finding either. I'm truly sorry if I've upset you or anyone else from the post, as I've been fed the Christian doctrine almost my entire life and though I harbor no ill against those who believe, I also know sincerely how emotionally "naked and vulnerable" I felt after leaving the comfort of this belief system. The first step in opening one's eyes and freeing themselves from the bindings of religion is to view the absurdity from another point of view and then read the Bible. In my opinion, anyone that reads a religious text and then fact checks it or even thinks about it critically cannot remain religious.

What comes after this life, I do not know and can only wish that I did. The only thing I can say for certain is that I know nobody else does either.
