Anybody ever pissed you off?

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I need a beer.
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
North South East West
I can't believe this is possible, but now you can anonymously send poop to someone you don't like or just want to prank. Could you imagine getting a surprise package and opening it up to find elephant shit?

Looking for a great gag gift? Has some one really pissed you off? Don't get mad, GET EVEN. Send that special some one a big stinky pile of poop.GUARANTEED ANONYMOUS

We will send your friend or enemy a healthy helping of some of the nastiest, stinkiest, fresh poop packages you have ever seen. We have several varieties of poop that we can send, including a special poop of the month. Go to the order page to see what's on special this month.

The TOP TEN reasons to send some one a package of poop:

1. To your ex-husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend

2. Neighbors pet crapping on your lawn

3. For your mean boss

4. For a salesperson or mechanic that ripped you off

5. A Last minute gift for some one who has everything

6. A gag gift

7. For a rich gloating friend, to knock them down a peg

8. To the teacher that gave your son/daughter a D

9. Some one left you negative feedback on your auction

10. You just don't like them
I think I know what MIAF's ex's family is getting for an Easter surprise!

This is like a Dream Come True!!!

What an awesome business idea!

(until some lawyer who receives a bag of poop discovers some way to have the poop sending company charged with criminal mischief)

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