A note about the forum on test weekend

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
I wanted to let you all know that we have been contacted by NCEES, and asked very politely to consider turning the board off immediately after the exam for a day or two, to keep anyone from posting something they shouldnt (i.e. test questions).

We want to be good partners with our NCEES friends(they were actually very complimentary of the site) so I wanted to inform you that the board will most likely be shut down the day of the exam. It is usually dead around here on the weekends, so I am not that concerned about Saturday/Sunday, and we dont have that many EIT takers for it to really matter(in regard to Saturday).

I really am not wild about shutting the site off. I dont believe in the "punish the many" for the consequences of a "few." But I understand their concern. I also dont want them to make the cut score +1 on top of whatever RoadGuy makes:D

We dont want anyone to get in "trouble" regarding talking about the exam, my recommendation is that in general, all we should really say is that it was easy,hard, about the same level of difficulty as last time, etc.

More than likely NCEES will have some people monitoring the site next week, and I have asked all the moderators to be around in case something slips by and needs to be edited.

We havent really had to edit many posts since we started this place 6 months ago, and I think the only people that have been "banned" have been computer programmed spam bots, so I dont forsee any problems.

You should be able to edit any post you make if you are worried about something (next week) and most should also be able to delete their own posts if you need to. You can also "report" posts to a moderator, which sends an email to all the mods and then it can be reviewed.

Good luck to those of you taking it also on Friday.

There will be moderation on this site at a high level even after it is turned back on. We don't want anyone to post something they shouldn't, even if it's not intentional.

<span style='color:blue'>My theory =

<span style='color:red'>Acceptable:</span> How do you solve a trapezoidal open channel for depth?

<span style='color:red'>Not Acceptable:</span> What did you get for the problem that had a trapezoidal open channel with n=0.0xx and a x.5 to 1 slope, etc. etc.</span>

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can we open a window with members' only and password needed to log in? I have passed the exam, but I could be of help w/ specific questions after the whole thing comes down this Friday and there's people crying and getting ready to jump from a bridge...

just an idea.

I think you will still be able to "see" the board.

Anyone thinking of killing themselves, please send Dr. Franz a PM, he will be our deisgnated suicide watch member


NCEES: Pay attention

grade the exams A.S.A.P., & using 75% & up, and 40% & down, let those know THEN if they PASSED/FAILED, then those on the border can wait for cut scores. Easy?

When NCEES emailed did you tell them you would shut down the forum if they would do the above?

It's only fair.

VTE, will hold down the fort here tomorrow.

PS - I stamped a set of drawings yesterday (stormwater permit), and it's every bit as cool as you were expecting. Go pass that thing boys!

MA_PE will be thining of you guys while slaving away at the mill tomorrow.

Good luck and may the forces be with you.


when we turn the posting back on,

If someone asks you questions about the test, do not take the bait.

Remember your NCEES agreement. It's not worth it.

Someone who has not taken the test has signed no such agreement, so asking what is on there is not against any policy, HOWEVER, if you have taken the test, it IS against your agreement to tell them any part of them exam.

just bumping for anyone new.

We will have the board offline for most users Friday & Saturday AM.

Veteran Members will have some limited access to the STB forum on test day.

We'll go back online sometime Saturday night for Senior Members, and then everyone else on Monday.

Please everyone watch what you "say/type" the week after the exam as there will be people from NCEES here lurking.

Thanks and Good Luck to everyone taking the exam!

when we turn the posting back on,

If someone asks you questions about the test, do not take the bait.

Remember your NCEES agreement. It's not worth it.

Someone who has not taken the test has signed no such agreement, so asking what is on there is not against any policy, HOWEVER, if you have taken the test, it IS against your agreement to tell them any part of them exam.
I just quoted myself. That rocks.

Freon, this is an old thread from the last exam that RG bumped back up.

Sapper took it and passed the October exam.
