66 yo - too old to be a new mother?

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If she was gettin' busy at her nursing home and...whoops...then that would be one thing. Considering it was by in vitro fertilization, she and the Octo-mom should both be "sewn shut".

Just think of the cost of diapers... for both of them.

I remember a picture from the De-modivational poster thread that I think could be retro-fitted for this application:

"It's just like Masterbation in public: just because you can, doesn't mean you should."

If she was gettin' busy at her nursing home and...whoops...then that would be one thing. Considering it was by in vitro fertilization, she and the Octo-mom should both be "sewn shut".
This should be a poll... my vote is for sewn shut.

This situation annoys me on so many levels. talk about a selfish arrogant beatch. The kid is going to grow up as a total dweeb or a serial killer or both.

In the video Diane Sawyer talks to the (now 62) 58 yo mother of twins. She looks so heavily made up like shes trying to be 35 and talking about how enriched her life is, all the while both kids are horsing around on the set. Yeah, your kids are well-behaved and you can keep right up there with them.........riiiggghhhhtttt.

I added a poll but I don't know why it didn't post.

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There was a follow-up article about how people don't have a problem with old dads. Here's the deal- old dads only needed to be involved in the pregnancy for a matter of seconds, while an old mom's body is expected to do something that it's not meant to do- grow another human being. There is a reason that women DON'T have the ability to have children then.

There was a follow-up article about how people don't have a problem with old dads. Here's the deal- old dads only needed to be involved in the pregnancy for a matter of seconds, while an old mom's body is expected to do something that it's not meant to do- grow another human being. There is a reason that women DON'T have the ability to have children then.
One of my college friend's dad was a dad again at 60 and again at 62 with the new wife who was half his age. So he now has 4 kids ages 29, 27, 6 and 4.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I struggle with what we're doing with science. Engineers could build a lot of crazy stuff, but we don't. Some doctors seem to be pushing the limits. Of course, who am I to say what those limits are...

Of course this lady needed to go to Romania? to have the fertilization done. US doctors as well as many other "civilized" places don't condone or support this type of thing. (sidebar - How octomom got implanted I'll never know.)

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You see, MA_PE, when a man and a woman love each other very much they when a woman is crazy she finds a similarly crazy doctor.

Here I am hoping for GILF pics and she didn't even bother to visit a no tell motel.

Sheesh, and here I am at 28 worrying if we'll be able to afford to have more than one kid in the 7 years until our self-imposed cutoff of my 35th birthday.

Just because something CAN be done does not mean it SHOULD be done. There's a reason this woman had to go overseas for the IVF; doctors here have moral/ethical rules surrounding maternal age.

I agree with the opinions posted. If veteranarians did similar things to animals, it would be animal cruelty.

A normal litter of puppies is 5, so let's see if we can get one dog to have 40 puppies at once.

Dogs don't normally reproduce when they are 12 years old, but let's implant a fertilized egg and see what happens.

Didn't she die a few weeks ago? Her baby is now a toddler without a mother. So the answer is yes -- 66 is too old to be a parent.

Didn't she die a few weeks ago? Her baby is now a toddler without a mother. So the answer is yes -- 66 is too old to be a parent.
Yep, and it turns out they were twins...so there are two motherless children. It also turns out that she was never married, so they are also fatherless. The woman's nephew is now responsible for raising the children. Here's the story. Apparently this has been widely reported in Spain, but slow to break in the US.
