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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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Various plants (in no particular order) that you can regrow from the food you already have! Woot! Way to reuse and recycle! I constantly have green onions and celery growing. (And potatoes/sweet potatoes but that just because they decided to do that in my pantry) Do you guys regrow any of your food?
Apples- http://www.ehow.com/...pple-seeds.html

Tomatoes- http://www.ehow.com/...mato-seeds.html

Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes- http://www.gardengui...s-potatoes.html

Green Onions- http://www.17apart.c...definitely.html


Leeks- same technique as green onions

Carrot Tops- http://www.gardening...carrot-tops.htm

Pineapple- http://www.rickswood...e/pineapple.htm

Romaine Lettuce- Same technique as celery

Cabbage- Same technique as celery

Celery- http://www.17apart.c...buy-celery.html

Avocado -http://www.thehungry.../2009/09/09/how-to-grow-an-avocado-tree-from-an-avocado-pit/Lentils- http://foodstoragema...o-grow-sprouts/

Pumpkin- http://pinterest.com...75573080950437/

Ginger- http://www.gardenswa...kitchen-scraps/

Garlic- http://www.gardenswa...kitchen-scraps/

Bonus: Bok Choy - http://www.17apart.c...g-bok-choy.html

SOURCE https://www.facebook...0&type=1&ref=nf

If you’re really interested in this kind of kitchen food experimentation, you’ll be happy to know about a great book on the subject called Grow it, Don’t Throw It!: 68 Windowsill Plants from Kitchen Scraps by Deborah Peterson. She walks you through all the specifics of growing 68 different things from your kitchen supplies. The book is packed with tons of helpful information!

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I will be sure to try regrowing pineapple and avocado in the tropical environs of the Northeast.

Actually, when I was a kid, my mom occasionally took an avocado pit and put it in a jar of water and it would start to grow. We could never plant it since the climate wasn't right, but it was cool anyway.

YMZ - I could never find galangal even in an Asian grocery store. I always just used ginger.

They don't usually have it fresh, but I get dried galangal from the local Laotian market.

They don't usually have it fresh, but I get dried galangal from the local Laotian market.
There's an Asian grocer near me but I haven't been there yet. The one where I used to live didn't have it. It's kind of a moot point anyway, as I'm not a big ginger fan. A little goes a looooong way.
