11th Edition Lindeburg Civil Reference Manual

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Jun 8, 2010
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I was wondering if anyone can weigh in on the importance of having the most current edition of the Lindeburg Manual on exam day. I am an exam re-taker and have the 10th edition, which does not have the construction section. I have found that I can solve Constructioin practice problems with this manual, but am wondering if it might be more resourceful to have the updated manual...Thanks!
I was wondering if anyone can weigh in on the importance of having the most current edition of the Lindeburg Manual on exam day. I am an exam re-taker and have the 10th edition, which does not have the construction section. I have found that I can solve Constructioin practice problems with this manual, but am wondering if it might be more resourceful to have the updated manual...Thanks!
I passed with a non current edition, but is it really worth failing just cause you didn't want to pony up the cash?

Then again, would 23 days really be enough to go through the new edition?

Don't know...
