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  1. Arapocalypse

    EB Mafia

    Hey there!!! Not related to the ongoing game (sorry for interrupting, hope it's okay to post this): Regarding the mafia championship, as we've passed the deadline for sending in a rep and are trying to schedule qualifiers in the next couple days, I was wondering if there was anyone interested...
  2. Arapocalypse

    EB Mafia

    Hey hey, checking in to see if you all have decided on a rep/backup to send to the mafia championship for season 8? Technically the deadline was yesterday, but it can be extended a few days if needed!!
  3. Arapocalypse

    EB Mafia

    To clarify, you only have to decide on who you would like to send as your rep/backup by May 7th!!! At that point, your rep will get some scheduling forms, so that they can be scheduled into a qualifier game with 14 other reps!! These qualifiers will happen throughout the months of May and June...
  4. Arapocalypse

    EB Mafia

    Hi there! Full text of the invite is here: INVITATION TO THE MAFIA CHAMPIONSHIP (SEASON 8) Ahoy there! :) I’m very excited to invite your community to participate in Season 8 of the Mafia Championship. The Mafia Championship is an annual forum-based tournament series that pits...